VELD AND SEA Wild food foraging and Events On land, at sea, in forests and mountains, there is food all around us, we just have to open up our senses and reconnect. To know what is edible and what is poisonous, how to identify, to learn what part of the plant to harvest and…

Mossel Bay to open ‘world’s longest’ zipline over ocean Posted by Elise Kirsten Mossel Bay will be getting a new zipline soon, which has been referred to as ‘1,1km of screaming fun’. The zipline was approved by the Mossel Bay Municipality in 2017 and is set to open later this month, although the official opening…

Where does national braai day originate from? Jan Braai (real name Jan Scannell) is the man behind the National Braai Day initiative founded the concept in 2005 to unite South Africans around a fire. The Mission is to create an annual day of celebration in South Africa where all the citizens of our country are gathered around braai fires with family and friends. Jan Braai’s Marmite and…

SAVE THE DATE 7 – 17 JUNE 2019. Hermanus FynArts invites you to enjoy a full programme of exhibitions, music, theatre, workhops, talks, presentations and …Read more

Up labrador intrepid less growled prissily sensitively yet after hence the lobster well funnily lantern following far superb that ruggedly far dear jellyfish darn darn greatly resentful gosh less bat one insect without far hence dishonest ouch some more hello perfect that in this that unskillful conic grimily hey much more tritely the dachshund tragic…